Case Studies

Presentation Software
Qarbon's ViewletCreation Services Team helps The Administrative Office of the Courts deliver online training.

California's Legislature and Department of Finance recently directed the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to develop caseload standards for court-appointed counsel in juvenile dependency proceedings. The goal was to help ensure greater uniformity in the provision of dependency counsel services as well as in the standards by which the quality of those services are assessed.

The study, which is being conducted by the American Humane Association in conjunction with the AOC's Center for Families, Children & the Courts, consists of a number of components, including a Workload Study component.
The AOC chose Qarbon's Viewlet Creation Services to build a key piece of an online training and information tool designed specifically for this Workload Study component.

"The Viewlets effectively captured the most critical components of the software tool and were essential to the training of large groups of users with varying levels of computer savvy", says Leah Wilson of the AOC, "Qarbon's Creation Services Team has proven to be an invaluable resource and was a pleasure to work with!"

Visit California Courts and see the Viewlets!
Presentation Software
Presentation Software