Resize Project
One of the most useful tools when you want to change the output size of your project, or merge two projects together that have different dimensions! |
Crop Project
A new crop project feature has been added that allows an entire project to be cropped! |
Timing Links
Timing Links have now been added to help maintain the timing between elements which will speed up authoring time!
Zoom feature
Zoom feature added to Slide View. Zoom to fit or zoom in/out with 8 different zoom levels.
Easy to use icons
Easy to use icons have been added to drop down menus.
Alignment tools
Alignment tools to ensure correct placement of a single object.
Sound icons
Enhanced sound icons.
Slide background and Animations
Slide background and Animations have been combined into a single concept to make it easier to understand and to allow for editing of animation frames.
Style sheets
Save valuable time and create your own style. Predetermine every element of your project - the color, the font, and font size for balloons and/notes and apply them to entire projects or individual slides!
Format Painter
Quickly copy styles from one object and, with one click, apply that format to any text object throughout your project.
Search and Replace
You no longer have to search slide by slide. Do it in one quick swoop! Search and replace a word or phrase within your entire project!